The Swamp: A Celebration of the Shrek Movies and Musical, feat. Larry Saperstein & more!
June 17, 2022
This performance will also be livestreamed. For tickets and more information, click here.
Come to a basement far far away for a one-night-only concert to celebrate the music of the Shrek world! Fresh off their viral TikTok Shrek Halloween video, @TheSwamp is coming together to bring us performances that’ll have all the layers! From classic movie songs like “I’m a Believer” and “All Star” to musical favorites like “I Know It’s Today” and “Freak Flag,” we’ll be partying like ogres all night long. Produced by Carly Heitner and Erin Engleman.
Meg Bush
Reese Christian
Nick Daly
Erin Engleman
Brett Klock
Caleb Mitchell
Keeley Pendergrass
Chloe Rice
Gabriella Joy Rodriguez
Natasha Roland
Molly Russo
Lauren Santos
Larry Saperstein (“High School Musical: The Musical: The Series”)
Sydney Sider
James Stryska
Sylvie Tamar
Piper Watkins
Please note that all artists and acts are subject to change at any time.
Proof of COVID-19 vaccination is required to enter the club.