Nadia Quinn
Music & Laughs
January 31, 2019
Nadia Quinn, star of Broadway’s Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson, The Robber Bridegroom, and a great many of television’s Commercials, debuts an elegant, yet casual, cabaret at Feinstein’s/54 Below. Fans of Nadia’s twee comedy band, Summer & Eve, will love this new solo show — it’s like seeing a post-Fleetwood Mac Stevie Nicks, but funny. Prepare for a night of music (mostly humorous), stories (mostly embarrassing), and prizes (mostly from the dollar store). You’ll laugh at least once, and that alone is worth the price of admission. But, honestly, can you put a price on laughter?
Matt Cusack
Andrew Durand (Head Over Heels)
Evan Harrington
Greg Hildreth (Frozen)
Ameara Wahhab
Aaron Quinn
Emily Young
and more to be announced!
Please note that all artists and acts are subject to change at any time.