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A Nonprofit Cabaret Venue

Ehime hails from the Edo and Urhobo ethnic groups. A multi-hyphenated African scholar, priestess, creative, and a fount of wisdom, who equips others with necessary tools to promote personal alignment and generational healing, she has been drawn to global spiritual practices since she was a young child growing up in Ibadan, Nigeria before immigrating to the states. Her search for the Creator inspired her to build a life rooted in religious pluralism. She is formally initiated into Yoruba’s Ifá, Sango, Erinle and Osun. Ehime holds ancestral connections to various water spirits within Urhobo’s Ame and Edo’s Ifá also known as Iha Ominigbon.

Ehime is a multidisciplinary artist who leverages mediums such as spoken word, photo/videography, painting, and sculpting as avenues for lineage healing and ancestral remembrance. She credits her mother for teaching her the power of storytelling, spoken word, and written word–lessons that have proven to be integral to Ehime’s work, art, and life.

As an alumna of Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship and Brooklyn College, Ehime has presented her research at various academic conferences regarding African spiritual art. She will be releasing her next book, “Spirits Come From Water,” in November.