Tara Bull

Tara Bull is an emerging drag queen based in New York City. first performed at The Duplex in a bi-monthly show “Category is” going on to host and perform at City Winery NYC in The Tara Bull Show and Sahourny Beaver’s Christmas in July Spectacular and Slay Belles. You can find Tara on YouTube on the Haus of Jizzelle channel. Co-writing and appearing in the music video “Too Big” as well as other shows on the channel “Gays Guessing Sports” and “Gays Guessing Bods”. Tara made her 54 Below Debut in their staff show she went on to book her own repeat show Broadway’s a Drag, having its third performance June 21st. An all drag queen cast performing Broadway songs with an all drag band “The Bad Judies.” Tara can be found at pop up gigs, open competitions at The Ritz and The Spot, and anything else she can get her hands on. You can find her on Instagram and Venmo @misstarabull