Adam & Bray: Everything You’ve Ever Wanted
March 8, 2024
Introducing Adam Spedding and Bray Jeffrey, the enigmatic duo of New Zealand-born writers that aren’t Flight of the Conchords. Join them and their much more talented Broadway friends in a wildly entertaining night where they promise to give you everything you’ve ever wanted, as long as what you want is catchy pop musical theater with uproarious (and sometimes inappropriate) humor. Taking you from their humble beginnings of writing and rehearsing their first show in just 100 days (never again!) to the shows they’re still perfecting a decade later, Adam and Bray invite you to an evening full of unconventional musical theater. Don’t miss out on this wild and hilarious adventure with two writers you’ve probably never heard of, but definitely won’t forget!
Emily Alvarado
Meryn Beckett (Kinky Boots on Broadway)
Riley Bocchicchio (54 Sings Inside)
Rhea Bradley
Bear Brummel
Julian Carli
Liza Giangrande
Saydie Grossman
Danny Grumich
Libby Johnston (54 Sings Carrie Underwood)
Renee Kauffman (Quarter Note Crisis, New Musicals Lab Showcase at 54 Below)
Liv Lopez
Aidan McKeon (54 Sings TikTok, 54 Sings the Rainbow, 54 Sings History)
Mia Rose (Friendsgiving, 54 Sings Dude)
Caroline Simpson
Jo’Siah Shon
Hadley R. Taylor (Kiwi Hunk)
Joseph Thor (Odds & Ends: A Song Cycle at 54 Below)
Maya Weber
Please note that all artists and acts are subject to change at any time.