Amanda DeLalla: Alone In The Woods
February 7, 2017
Amanda DeLalla makes her Feinstein’s/54 Below debut in Alone in the Woods. You’ve seen Sondheim’s masterpiece performed by a cast of 18 and a cast of 10…now see it done by a cast of one. Featuring an abridged version of the book and score, Amanda simultaneously tells the fairytales’ story and her own: as an artist with Asperger’s. See Into the Woods as never before and contribute to the cause of autism acceptance.
The concert will be narrated by Alberta Thompson, the owner of Staten Island’s Little Victory Theatre. She is a prolific member of Tri-state area performing arts, acting with productions in all five boroughs
Amanda’s show will feature music direction by Cristina Dinella, pianist/composer, adjunct NYU faculty, and MD for the recent Off-Broadway presentation of Curiousities.