Movies, Musicals, and Me: An Evening with Me, Halpert Evans
November 29, 2018
Set in a world where all musicals are movie adaptations, Movies, Musicals, and Me: An Evening with Me, Halpert Evans is a career retrospective cabaret of Broadway star — nay, legend — Halpert Evans (played by Esther Fallick of StarKid Productions). He and his loyal accompanist, Courtney (Clark Baxtresser of StarKid Productions), perform for you songs from such fictional Broadway smashes as Forrest Gump: The Musical, A Quiet Place: The Musical, The Social Network: The Musical, and more. In the words of Halpert, “Not to boast, but you will likely find the night to be both unforgettable and life-changing.”
Movie nerds and musical theatre junkies alike will find much to laugh about in this brilliant musical satire.
Book, music, and lyrics are by Esther Fallick, Clark Baxtresser, and Pierce Siebers (StarKid Productions).
Esther Fallick
Jamie Lyn Beatty
Clark Baxtresser
Michael Hartney
A.J Holmes
Cameron Jones
Ashley Park
Please note that all artists and acts are subject to change at any time.