Joshua Hinck: Mess
May 16, 2015
Cover charge: $20
Premiums: $45
Cover Charge Additional $3 At Door
2 Alcoholic Drink OR $20 Food & Beverage Minimum
Sat, May 16 | 11:30pm | Doors 11pm | Tickets |
Calling all weirdos!
Joshua Hinck: Mess brings you an immersive evening of mischief, play, and rule-breaking from the creator of Puzzled, City Fairytale, and other similar cabaret shows you possibly missed. As the newest addition to the Shonda Rhimes’ canon,* this show explores everything and nothing, with music new and old by people-you-have-yet-to-hear-of and people-you-wish-were-making-a-guest-appearance.
Featuring Joshua Hinck and most of the Misfit Muses. Joshua’s current projects include New Work Wednesdays, a web series about musical theatre songwriters and tracking down Carmen Sandiego. He has performed all over, from his grandma’s living room, to the Fox Theatre in Detroit, to Tokyo.
Featuring the Misfit Muses Maggie McNeil, Lauren Noll, and Charlie Levy.
Directed by Stephanie Card and Oprah*. With arrangements by Scott Wasserman