New Musical: What The F*ck Is Going On: In Concert
July 25, 2018
Part cabaret, part rock concert, and part investigative journalism, join us as Feinstein’s/54 Below presents a wild and thought-provoking evening of songs from What The F*ck Is Going On: A New Musical. Award winning-composer Zach Spound brings the world of contemporary journalism to life as we follow a young woman’s journey to the heart of the Russia Investigation. Along the way, familiar figures including Rachel Maddow, Robert Mueller, Kamala Harris, James Comey, and Sally Yates help put the pieces together by telling their stories. It’s a timely, cathartic, one-of-a-kind musical experience that, in an era when asking questions is an act of resistance, celebrates the necessity and badass-ery of America’s journalists. Directed by Rebecca Kenigsberg.
A portion of the proceeds will benefit Swing Left and Families Belong Together.
Lauren Baez
Stefanie Brown
Peter Dunn
Pomme Koch (The Band’s Visit)
Clarissa Marie Ligon
Austin McPhee
Amanda Shechtman (Cruel Intentions)
Tristan J Shuler
Lauren Zakrin (The Great Comet)