Jonathan Nathaniel Dingle-El

JONATHAN NATHANIEL DINGLE-EL (John), he/him, is an actor living and working in Brooklyn, NYC. There he focuses on work with local organizations such as The Living Mural, The Motor Company NYC, and the New York Shakespeare Exchange, whose work focuses on increasing site-responsive and found space theater at local hubs within communities of color. You can see Jonathan perform in a number of places such as parks, laundromats, bars stoops, dark and deserted alleys- any space where theater isn’t often shown, but a show certainly happens. Past works include The High Captain at TheTank NYC, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Above the Branches, as well as a few others.
It was once believed that Jonathan was the long-lost heir to a Botswanan diamond mine but after a media frenzy, it was later discovered that he was merely an actor on holiday.