Hayley Goldenberg

Hayley Goldenberg is a Manhattan-based queer feminist musical theatre maker. She is currently developing two musicals: Faye and Plane Girl. Most recently, Plane Girl was selected for the 2024 New York Theatre Barn New Works Series & Choreography Lab, the 2024 MTEA New Works Collaboration Catalogue, and as the inaugural new musical in the new works development program at Manhattanville College. Other Accolades Include: 35th Annual NAMT Festival of New Musicals (Featured Lyricist), 2023 Johnny Mercer Songwriters Project (Selected Participant), Bechdel Project (Semifinalist), Musical Creators’ Institute (Fellow – Inaugural Class). Hayley’s work has been featured on stages and in concert venues across the United States & Canada including New World Stages, 54 Below, Green Room 42 and others. She is also a proud member of Maestra, DGA, and ASCAP and is the co-founder of the Women & Theatre Project.