Ryan Knowles

Ryan was last seen on Broadway playing 9 characters in The Lightning Thief: The Percy Jackson Musical, for which he received a spot on The New York Times Best Of Theatre 2019 list. On national tour and around the world, Knowles has entertained millions, performing with Brian May and Roger Taylor of Queen on the world tour of We Will Rock You, as well as The Lightning Thief, Grinch, and OZ. Ryan has played everything on two legs (and occasionally four). From Disney’s Genie to Seuss’ Grinch; Hunchback’s Frollo to Little Shop’s Dentist; Caliban, Bottom, Prospero and Richard III. He starred on TV as host of Nickelodeon’s Me:TV. He has danced with the Rockettes; conjured the Devil repeatedly (he’s played Ol’ Scratch 11 times); grappled in the ring with Lucha Libre wrestlers in Mexico City, and recited Shakespeare while skydiving (without missing a line).